Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Trolling 101

Trolls.  They exist, though not under bridges or on the Deserts of Azaroth in Warcraft, but rather on the internet and in crappy 90's model station wagons outside a Wendy's with free wifi and an overly expensive laptop.  A Troll, as defined by, is one who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption, but I can tell you that they are more than just a couple of fat college kids pissing people off.  No, they are a collaboration of intelligent beings with one goal in mind, which is to make the internet a hazardous place, with nowhere to hide.  Facebook?  Trolls.  Myspace?  Trolls.  Funnyjunk?  TROLLS.  Runescape?  TROLLS.  Knowyourmeme?  TROLLS!   The cycle continues forever, starting on a relatively safe place, like twitter or tumblr, and there they plot its destruction from the inside.  You know the whole thing with credit card websites being down because of system overload?  Guess what?  TROLLS.  They plotted for weeks, under the label, Operation Payback, due to Assange's arrest and trial, and brought down the sites of those who refused to help him.  As I bring this to a close, the one thing to keep in mind is that you should never underestimate the power of trollers, under any circumstances. 

-The Trollercoaster

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